Magic spots. Simple, small and not so far away

Ever find a little out of the way magic spot that you normally wouldn't notice and not understand why?

Some place so simple, so small, and not so far away. But you could feel something there and not know what it was? A spot along the trail, or the water that makes you want to stop and linger while others pass by?

There are lots of spots. You can travel far and wide and be amazed by something so obviously spectacular, but at the end of the day, it's about what you feel.

I was surprised to find a little pond in New Hampshire that I would not normally even consider with a 16 or 17 foot sea kayak. It was only two miles long and one-half mile wide at the widest point. Not an exciting place to paddle. But a place to relax. The water glows at dawn and dusk. The stars dance off your paddle. Something magic.

Swim in it. Your skin will tell you the same. There is something special going on in a small pond, without all the development you find in so many once-nice places, no speed boats, only a few cottages, and lots of green things allowed to grow.
Find your pond.

Happy paddling and finding your special spots.
There are so many you can find with a kayak, but you may need to protect a few.
The Baffin Paddler


  1. there is a crystal clear lake in S.C. United States with waterfalls... you can watch the paddle dip into the water depths.. you can snorkel among the fish... you can kayak camp and watch the liquid silver shimmering reflection of the full moon orchestrate through the water with the mountains as subtle chorus. sometimes quiet, sometimes wild with the wind, always beautiful.

    But, if we are talking ocean, the US coastline is spectacular....but, years ago I paddled around Vancouver Island and the Queen Charlotte Islands - primitive, rugged, awesome land and water... truly a very special place.

    I'd love to go back, but finding a quality fiberglass kayak (that isn't huge)to rent is frustrating and near impossible. I'm open to suggestions...


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