Outhouses . . . friend or foe?

It's crooked.

The door is padlocked, or

there's a stick in front to keep the door shut and the skunks out.

It's close to a big bee farm in a field of clover and dandelions.

The door won't stay shut. There's no lock.

It's buried in snow. The door won't open.
There's no light inside.

You have to bring your own supplies.

It's a beautiful thing?

It's an ugly beast?

When you were a girl scout (or a boy scout), and had latrine cleaning duty, the skunk stick was always on the ground and the door was cracked open . . .

Outhouses. Friend or foe?

You never know, no matter what the season, how to navigate their folly.

They are things of curiosity. Sometimes necessity.

Bring friends. Let them go first!
Happy trails wherever you go. Spring is on the way.
The BaffinPaddler


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