Discover a cute kayak launch in Val Morin, Quebec, Canada: Paddle Riviere du Nord to Lac Raymond

When you stumble across a nice place to launch a kayak and someone with a smiling, friendly face comes out of a beautiful little mountain theatre across the road to greet you and asks you to tell others about this place, how can you say no. And he didn't even know I was a paddle blogger.

Remember the beautiful facade of this building. It's right across the street from the small public launch on Riviere du Nord in Val Morin, Quebec. Or Google the address of Theatre du Marais and put it in your GPS: 1121 10th avenue. Free parking is on the street next to the theatre.

Sorry, there is no public restroom in the Parc de la Riviere at this launch site.

We visited on a day with constantly threatening black skies of rain.

Here's another jewel of a place I really don't want to share because I like it. I want to be greedy. It's a day paddle route. No camping along the way. But, I'll let go and share it in the hope that you save some of the time we spend exploring good places to launch a kayak. And, as a kayaker, I want to keep on moving and find another new place to paddle. It's in our blood to explore.
This route is a great for kayaks. No speed boats on Riviere du Nord or Lac Raymond in Val Morin. Hop onto a little stretch of river with light current and head to a moderately-sized lake (Lac Raymond) with no speed boats only 3 kilometers away. The river flows in the direction of Lac Raymond. Riviere du Nord is fairly shallow, sandy bottom, some rocky shoals, perhaps a deadhead to avoid, some cottage development along the way and lots of wild and ducks. Not many beaches though. The beach pictured above is the only one I found with any space, so if you see it along the way, grab it! If water levels are exceptionally low, you might have to drag your kayak. It just depends on when you visit. We had no problems in August.
Perfect scenario for some kayakers. Stay on the Riviere du Nord and paddle from Val Morin to Lac Raymond - about 3 kilometers from this launch site in Val Morin on 10th Avenue, across the street from the theatre or paddle in the opposite direction of this launch towards Val David on Riviere du Nord, about 4 kilometers away.

When the wind is up, play in the waves of Lac Raymond and paddle where you like. No speed boats or SeaDoos to worry about. Easy to navigate and hard to get lost. This is a very straightforward, simple paddle. A great paddle for viewing the spectacular fall colors in the Laurentians. If you see me out there, please give me a wave and say, "Bonjour!"
Should I tell you this tidbit? OK, why not. When we returned to the launch site at the end of the afternoon, a big wedding party descended in high heels, dresses, and suits hauling a heavy tandum kayak and gave a happy send off to a newlywed couple heading down river in it. The couple finished their wedding party and started their new life together on this little stretch of river - in a tandum kayak . . .  I can't help but wonder, how long will it take before they look into each other's eyes and say, "Honey, I love you, but I want my own kayak!"

Happy paddle trails.
The BaffinPaddler


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