I'll be a guest blogger at Wanderlust Tremblant, August 21-24, 2014
The power of the pose. You can strike a powerful yoga pose, or notice it in something else. It can create an opening. It opens a door. You'll have to step through that door to see what's next. This morning, I stepped outside 10 minutes before my yoga practice to have a look at the day and what it might bring. Before we step into a new space we normally look down to see what we might be stepping onto. I saw a toad sitting upright, enjoying a warm, dry spot on the stone patio. He was facing North. When I came back with my camera minutes later to capture his focused, meditative sitting pose, he stood up on all fours and held this fierce, confident pose for a long time. It reminded me of several yoga poses: Table top, Plank, and Up Dog. Then I realized it was his Warrier pose. I was in his space. I've never seen a toad do this before. Usually they just hop away or sit still when they realize you've spotted them. After my own morning yoga practice, I tu...